SMS logs

This section displays all the SMSes and their details

step 1

You can also add a new message by clicking the New message button and following the following steps:

  1. Enter the Group(s).
  2. Enter the contacts who will be the recipients of the message.
  3. Select a template if necessary or include the message.
  4. Click on Send button to send or the Schedule button if you want the SMS to be sent daily, weekly, or monthly. step 1

  5. If scheduled, provide a Schedule name. step 1

  6. Select frequency either Daily , Weekly or Monthly. step 1

  7. For Daily, choose time to send and the date range e.g. from 4/22/2022 to 4/30/2022 then click Submit button. step 1

  8. For Weekly, choose day e.g Monday to send and the time to send. Add more days by clicking the add icon then click the Submit button. step 1

  9. For Monthly, choose the month to send e.g January and the date to send e.g 4th and click Submit button. step 1

You can view all group messages by clicking the View All Messages button step 1
